What are the Main Goods Transported by Rail?

What are the Main Goods Transported by Rail?

You must be wondering about all the transportation that takes place by rail tracks, right? It’s important to learn about the industry first before you collaborate your work with them.

However, you don’t need to worry because, in this blog, we will discover what railcar storage is and what are the main goods that are transported by rail.

What is Railcar Transportation?

You must be wondering what is the best way to transport through railcars. Well, railcar transportation is a method of moving goods and materials through a train consisting of one or more railcars.

Moreover, railcars, also known as rolling stock, are vehicles that are specially made to be hauled by a locomotive on railway tracks.

Furthermore, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and depending on the type of cargo being transported, they can be opened or closed.

What Are the Main Goods Transported by Rail?

Firstly, coal is the largest single commodity transported by rail, accounting for a significant portion of all rail traffic. And, did you know? Coal is transported from mines to power plants and they are mostly across the world used to generate electricity.

Second, rail transportation is an important form of transportation for agricultural products including grain, soybeans, and corn. Similarly, these items are carried from farms to processing plants and, finally, to customers.

Thirdly, we all know rail transport is also important for the transportation of petroleum and chemical products.

Additionally, this includes crude oil, gasoline, and chemicals used in manufacturing. These goods are transported from refineries and chemical plants to distribution centers and end users.

Fourth, metals and minerals such as iron ore, copper, and bauxite are transported by rail. Moreover, these products are moved from mines to processing plants and then to manufacturers.

Lastly, rail transport is also used to transport finished consumer goods such as automobiles, appliances, and electronics. Similarly, consumer goods shipped by rail are transported from manufacturing facilities to distribution centers and ultimately to retailers.

What Types of Rail Cars Are Used for Shipping That Freight?

According to Florida Rail, boxcars, also known as enclosed or covered hoppers, are designed to transport a wide variety of dry goods, such as grain, flour, and building materials. Moreover, they are enclosed to protect the cargo from the elements during transit.

Secondly, flatcars are used to transport heavy or oversized items, such as machinery, vehicles, and construction equipment. They have a flat surface with no sides or roof, allowing for easy loading and unloading.

Thirdly, tank cars are designed to transport liquids and gases, such as crude oil, gasoline, and chemicals. Furthermore, they are typically made of steel and have a cylindrical shape with a domed or flat top.

Moreover, hopper cars are used to transport bulk materials, such as coal, grains, and ores. They have a large opening at the top, allowing for easy loading and unloading.

Fourthly, refrigerated cars, also known as reefers, are designed to transport perishable goods, such as fruits, vegetables, and meats. They are equipped with refrigeration units to maintain a controlled temperature during transit.

Lastly, gondola cars are used to transport heavy bulk materials, such as scrap metal, gravel, and sand. Additionally, they have an open top with low sides, allowing for easy loading and unloading.

What Are the Benefits of Shipping from Railcars?


Rail transport is often more cost-effective than other modes of transportation, particularly for long-term and long-distance shipping. Rail transport can also handle large volumes of goods, making it a good choice for businesses that need to move a lot of products at once.

Reduced Emissions:

Rail transport is also more environmentally friendly than other modes of transportation. Trains produce fewer emissions per ton of freight transported than trucks. Additionally, making them a good choice for businesses that are concerned about their carbon footprint.

Greater Efficiency:

Rail transport is often more efficient than other modes of transportation, particularly when it comes to long-distance shipping.

Moreover, trains can move large volumes of goods quickly and efficiently, helping businesses to meet tight deadlines and customer demands.

Do You Want to Get on Board?

After reading this blog, we are sure you want to get on board with a railcar storage company for your business needs.

So, why don’t you get on board with Contract Railcar Storage?

Our company will offer the best and high-quality services for your needs and ensure that your storage needs are fulfilled.


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